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Daniel Bedoya

Doctoral Student - ERC AdG COSMOS

Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique / Musique (IRCAM)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
UMR9912 – Science et Technologies de la Musique et du Son (STMS)

Daniel Bedoya is a doctoral student of the ERC AdG project COSMOS, exploring the space of possible interpretations in musical performance through the finding and manipulation of musical structures shaped in performance, and applying these techniques to electrocardiographic (ECG) sequences shaped by cardiac arrhythmias, under the supervision of Elaine Chew. He has an undergraduate degree in Sound Engineering (UDLA Quito-Ecuador) and a Master’s degree in computer science, acoustics and signal processing (ATIAM – IRCAM-Sorbonne Université).

He has worked with the Perception and Sound Design (PDS) research team at IRCAM, looking at the relationship of music and emotions in the ERC project CREAM and exploring the influence of smiled speech perception in dyadic interactions in the REFLETS project, both under the supervision of Jean-Julien Aucouturier. To work on his PhD, he joined the Musical Representations (RepMus) research team at IRCAM.

Mailing Address:
1 place Igor Stravinsky
75004 Paris

Email: daniel.bedoya (at)

Keywords: music representation • music perception and cognition • music structure analysis • computational music cognition • data science • cognitive science

Last Updated November 17th 2020.