Composition and performances



My compositions are based on three different but perfectly compatible centers of interest:

Music and image, in collaboration with other artists – mostly sculptors or painters
Music and space

A piece like Palmipèdes corbuséens palmés (1995) combines the three centers of interest: a mezzo-soprano wanders into the strange acoustical space of a water tower built by Le Corbusier, and the building itself is put in resonance through an interactive sound sculpture. A piece with video, Peking Duck Soup (2008), combines a completely written part with an improvisation setup, where the video part (shot both in advance and in real-time) plays a tribute to the mirror scene of the almost homonymous Marx Brothers movie.

Performances including improvisation

OMax-driven improvisations (2004-present) In addition to the compositions including OMax with video (Peking Duck Soup, Memories of Monk2), or without (like the most recent Duck Laughs), I have been performing with the laptop in many setups.

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4hoch3 (2002-2004) Improvisation group 4hoch3 (Inge Poffet, accordion/voice, Jopo, saxophone, Peter Kleindienst, guitar, Georges Bloch, voice). Tour in Switzerland, Germany, France.

Cage, Satie etc. (2001) With Michelle Renoul (piano), Jaap Blonk and Georges Bloch (voice). Performance of Satie’s Sports et divertissements and John Cage’s lecture Joyce, Duchamp, Satie: an Alphabet.