Journal of New Music Research

Special Issue on Interactive Processes in Music Composition and Performance

Call for Papers

Compositional processes can reveal rich structures and interactions with their external context. These interactions can take place during executions or performances, or during the early compositional stages, in the processes that lead to the creation of musical material. They generally involve specific relations between musical data, computation, time and interactions with external systems. The objective of this Special Issue of the Journal of New Music Research will be to give an account for the different projects and directions currently investigated in this domain of contemporary computer music research. We welcome the submission of scientific and artistic research papers related the following topics:

Submissions open
⇒ Submit via JNMR ScholarOne or contact editors with a proposal before December, 15th, 2015

Submissions must provide a documented background on the problem under study, a detailed description and evaluation of results. Manuscripts are submitted through the Journal of New Music Research ScholarOne site [ ], not to the Guest Editor directly. During the submission process when asked if the manuscript is a candidate for a special issue (Step 4), authors must select "Yes" and choose "Interactive Processes in Music Composition and Performance".

Submissions must comply with the Journal's general guidelines for authors :

General queries regarding the Special Issue and suitability of topics/research to the Special Issue should be directed to the Guest Editors:

Jean Bresson
[ bresson at ircam dot fr ]

Joel Chadabe
State University of New York
Adjunct Faculty NYU Steinhardt Music Technology Program
[ joel at newmusicworld dot org ]