Barão Geraldo, SP, Brasil, 28/08/2014
Encerrando 1o Colóquio Franco-Brasileiro de Análise e Criação Musicais com Suporte Computacional, Livre Digital será uma noite dedicada à exploração de fronteiras musicais: improvisação fora de qualquer padrão, explorando novas sonoridades e processos. Tecnologias que desafi(n)am os sentidos, algoritmos que dialogam com instrumentistas humanos. Cabe ao espectador desvendar quem é quem. Dilatar essas fronteiras, espreitar e vivenciar os seus limites. Abrir seus ouvidos e deixar-se surpreender.
⇒ Live performance of Hamiltonian Song (M. Andreatta) with interactive real-time analysis and visualization in OpenMusic.
Almanaque Café
Barão Geraldo (SP) Brasil
28/08/2014 às 21h
Reactive visual programs in OM allow to produce and process musical structures from real-time incoming MIDI streams. Collected pitches can be gathered into chords and sequence, that can in turn be processed by analysis processes.
The video below show a perfomance of the hamiltonian song by M. Andreatta where the pianist and musicologists demonstrates harmonic properties of the song. The pitch-class set analysis tools available in OM (n-cercle) as well as a recent implementation of the Tonnetz pitch space representation are used to display harmonic structures being recorded.
This performance took place on august 28th, 2014 at the Almanaque Cafe in Campinas, Brazil. It was reiterated in Athens on Sept. 2014 during the workshop on Formal and Computational Models in Popular Music at the joint ICMC-SMC conference.