Philippe Leroux, Jérémie Garcia
Quid sit musicus? (2014)
Jeremie Garcia and Philippe Leroux used the OM reactive extension during the composition of Leroux's piece Quid sit musicus? (premiered in June, 2014 at IRCAM during the Manifeste Festival).
Pen stokes and gestures were transmitted to the computer-aided composition environment and used to generate or process musical material. Reactive OM processes provided immediate visual feedback (in score editors) as well as audio rendering of compositional processes while sketching and drawing shapes on paper.
⇒ Read the ICMC-SMC'14 paper: pOM - Linking Pen Gestures to Computer-Aided Composition Processes.
⇒ Watch the video: Images d'une oeuvre n° 18 : Quid sit musicus ? de Philippe Leroux