Elaine Chew | COSMOS | Research Blog | Research Bio | Music Blog| Music Bio | Soundcloud | YouTube | CV

Elaine Chew

Senior Researcher, CNRS – UMR9912 / STMS Lab, IRCAM, 1 place Igor Stravinsky, 75004 Paris, France | www.stms-lab.fr/person/elaine-chew
Visiting Professor, King's College London, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences, Department of Engineering, UK | www.kcl.ac.uk/people/elaine-chew
Office: +33 (0) 1 44 78 48 35 | E-mail: <firstname>.<lastname>@ircam.fr

Principal Investigator
ERC ADG project COSMOS (Computational Shaping and Modeling of Musical Structures)
ERC POC project HEART.FM (Maximizing the Therapeutic Potential of Music through Tailored Therapy with Physiological Feedback in Cardiovascular Disease)

Since Spring 2019, I am a senior researcher in the French National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CNRS Paris) and am affiliated with the STMS (Sciences et technologies de la musique et du sons) Laboratory located at IRCAM (Institut de recherche et coordination musique/acoustique), part of the Centre Pompidou in Central Paris. Here are my person page @ STMS Lab and person page @ IRCAM.

Research: elainechew-research.blogspot.com [ videos | publications ]
My mathematical training is in operations research, which is the use of optimization, probabilistic, and statistical techniques to model and solve problems. I apply the computational techniques, with scientific visualizations, to music and electrocardiographic sequences. Applications include modeling of music performance decisions, artificial intelligence systems for music generation, music-heart-brain interactions and computational arrhythmia research.

Piano: elainechew-piano.blogspot.com [ YouTube | Soundcloud ]
As a classical pianist, I design boundary crossing concert events that showcase music computing research, including real-time visualization of musical structures. An occasional composer, I have created music mirroring the rhythms and feel of cardiac arrhythmias, and collaborated on the design of artificial intelligence systems for music generation. My concerts frequently include these and contemporary music compositions.

COSMOS | Computational Shaping and Modeling of Musical Structures: cosmos.cnrs.fr @ CNRS-STMS(IRCAM), Paris, 2019-
I have founded research labs and had the opportunity to work with excellent young researchers in Los Angeles, London, and now Paris. The COSMOS project blog documents research and activities of the ERC project COSMOS research team, including work on the associated HEART.FM proof of concept project. Here are links to research labs I previously founded:

MuPaE | Music, Performance and Expressivity: mupae.blogspot.com @ QMUL, London, 2011-2019
MuCoaCo | Music Computation and Cognition: mucoaco.blogspot.com @ USC, Los Angeles, 2001-2011

Keywords: music representation • music structure analysis • music and artificial intelligence • music prosody (expressivity) • music informatics • computational music cognition • music perception and cognition • ensemble interaction • Internet performance • sound and music computing • music information research • operations research and statistics • mathematical modeling • mathematical and computational sciences • analytics • data science • human-computer interaction • cognitive science • scientific visualisation • cardiac electrophysiology • electrocardiographic signal analysis • heart-brain interaction

EC. Updated 2 October 2020.