Über Neue Musik. Sechs Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die theoretischen Grundlagen, Universal Edition, Wien, 1937 (en particulier le chapitre V, "Musik und Mathematik").
Music here and now, Norton, New York, 1939 (en particulier le chapitre 8, "Music and Mathematics").
Studies in Couterpoint based on the Twelve-Tone Technique, Schirmer, 1940
"New Developments of the Twelve-Tone Technique", The Music Review, IV, 2, 1943, p. 81-97.
"Extents and Limits of Serial Techniques",
The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 2, Special Issue: " Problems of Modern Music. The Princeton Seminar in Advanced Musical Studies " (Apr., 1960), p. 210-232 (pdf)
Exploring Music, essays by Ernst Krenek (translated by Margaret Shenfield & Geoffrey Skelton, London, Calder & Boyars, 1966). En particulier le chapitre 16, "Basic Principles of a New Theory of Musical Aesthetics".
Horizons Circles. Reflections on my Music, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1974.