Ascograph Features

* Open-Source license (source code available at: )

* automatic conversion from MusicXML files to Antescofo Language.

* automatic scrolling of notes view and editor view with Antescofo Score Follower.

* note selection from editor or interface, in both directions for fast and easy modifications : double click on a line in the text editor to see which note it is in the pianoroll.

* syntax coloring

* OSC automatic communication with Antescofo

Available now on for IRCAM members. Source code available for hackers: (contributions welcomed!)

Dependencies :

Ascograph is built on OpenFrameworks, version 72 and ofxTimeline from James George.

a few screenshots:

Section 3 de Pluton, de Philippe Manoury.


AscoGraph Curve object (BPF) edition:

AscoGraph displaying Einspielung I, for solo violin and electronic:

on IRCAM resources:

AscoGraph in singing accompaniment mode for Hey Jude :