
DYCI2 library: data for the Max tutorials

Download DYCI2 Tutoriel Soundfiles:

1) DYCI2-Tutoriel-Soundfiles (1,4 GB): https://nubo.ircam.fr/index.php/s/4XPNNC2xM4tBo4Q

2) Insert these files downloaded in "DYCI2Lib/MaxPatches/Tutorials/_ExamplesCorpus_".

3) To use your own musical memories using an automatic analysis: straightforward, select your files, import it in a preset box as the examples in the "AM…" tutorials, select the audio descriptors you want to use, and the number of clusters.

(Other sources: https://github.com/DYCI2/Dyci2Lib/releases or http://repmus.ircam.fr/nika/dyci2_library)

DYCI2 library: https://github.com/DYCI2/Dyci2Lib

Nika Jérôme, Déguernel Ken, Chemla–Romeu-Santos Axel, Vincent Emmanuel, Assayag Gérard, "DYCI2 agents: merging the "free", "reactive", and "scenario-based" music generation paradigms", in Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Shanghai, China, 2017.

FYI, beta testers only: Work-In-Progress_DYCI2-Tutoriel-MM-Soundfiles (155 MB): https://nubo.ircam.fr/index.php/s/C9NGwEimKGt3mLb

Work in progress

Predictive listening module (ANR DYCI2 L1.2)): See this page.