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Box evaluation

When you make option-click on one outlet of a box (or press 'v' after selecting this box), the generic omNG-box-value is called. Code for the most general method is:

  (defmethod! omNG-box-value ((self OMBoxcall) &optional (numout 0))
      ; if the box is in lambda mode
      ((equal (allow-lock self) "l") (special-lambda-value self (reference self)))
      ; if the box is in reference mode
      ((equal (allow-lock self) "o") (fdefinition (reference self)))
      ; if the box is locked
      ((and (equal (allow-lock self) "x") (value self)) (nth numout (value self)))
      ; if the box is in eval-once mode 
      ((and (equal (allow-lock self) "&") (ev-once-p self)) (nth numout (value self)))
      ; if there is no button, we eval normal and keyword inlets in the box
      (t (let* ((args (loop for input in (inputs self) when (not (keyword-input-p input)) 
	                        collect (omNG-box-value input)))
                (args (list+ args (eval-keywords self)))
                ; then we look for the aplicable method for these arguments
                (themethod (compute-applicable-methods (fdefinition (reference self)) args)) 
              (if (null themethod)
                  (progn (om-dialog-message (string+ "no method is defined for inputs in box " (name self)))
             ; If there is a method we test if this is a graphic method 
             ; and if it is not compiled if it is the case we compile it.
                     (when (and (EditorFrame (car themethod)) (not (compiled? (car themethod))))
                        (modify-genfun (EditorFrame (car themethod))))
                     ; Call the method with the evaluated inlets, multiple results are allowed
                     (if (equal (class-name (class-of self)) 'OMBoxcall)
                         (setf rep (multiple-value-list (apply (reference self) args)))
                         (setf rep (multiple-value-list (special-value self args))))))
           ; If the box is locked or it is in eval once mode the result is kept in the slot value
           (when (equal (allow-lock self) "&")
             (setf (ev-once-p self) t)
             (setf (value self) rep))
           (when (equal (allow-lock self) "x")
             (setf (value self) rep))
           ; finally we return the numout output of the evaluation.
           (nth numout rep))))))

[See the OM User manual for more info about the evaluation modes of the boxes]

Some times this mechanism do not work right, for example suppose us that we want to define a box OMWhen equivalent to the lisp macro WHEN:

  (defmethod! OMWhen (test &rest actions)
    (when test (car (last actions))))

The problem is that we do not want to eval parameters 'actions' if 'test' is NULL…

The solution is to define a subclass of OMBoxCall and redefine the omng-box-value for the new class. <code lisp>

(defclass WHENboxCall (OMBoxcall) ())


In order to say that the box class for the method OMWhen is WhenBoxcall and not OMBoxCall, we must redefine the method, get-boxcallclass-fun:

  (defmethod get-boxcallclass-fun ((self (eql 'OMWhen))) 'WHENboxCall)

Now we can redefine the omNG-box-value, for example:

  (defmethod omNG-box-value ((self WHENboxcall) &amp;optional (numout 0))
    (declare (ignore numout))
      ((equal (allow-lock self) "l") (special-lambda-value self 'omWhen))
      ((and (equal (allow-lock self) "x") (value self)) (value self))
      ((and (equal (allow-lock self) "&") (ev-once-p self)) (value self))
      (t (let ((rep (omNG-box-value (first (inputs self)))))
           (when rep
             (loop for item in (cdr (inputs self)) do
                (setf rep (omNG-box-value item)))) 
           (when (equal (allow-lock self) &quot;&amp;&quot;)
              (setf (ev-once-p self) t)
              (setf (value self) rep))
           (when (equal (allow-lock self) &quot;x&quot;)
              (setf (value self) rep))

Evaluating a patch box (omboxpatch) calls a generated code from the boxes in the patch. The code from a box is generated by the generic function gen-code. The most general method is the following:

(defmethod gen-code ((self OMBoxcall) numout)
    ; if the box is in lambda mode
    ((equal (allow-lock self) &quot;&amp;&quot;) (gen-code-for-ev-once self numout))
    ; if the box is locked
    ((equal (allow-lock self) &quot;x&quot;) `(nth ,numout ,(gen-code (value self) 0)))
    ; if the box is in reference mode
    ((equal (allow-lock self) &quot;o&quot;) ',(reference self))
    ; if the box is in eval-once mode
    ((equal (allow-lock self) &quot;l&quot;) (curry-lambda-code self (reference self)))
    ; if there is no button
    (t (call-gen-code self numout))))
For the //OMWhen// example we define:
<code lisp>
  (defmethod call-gen-code ((self WHENboxcall) numout)
    (when ,(gen-code (first (inputs self)) 0)
       ,.(loop for item in (cdr (inputs self))
               collect (gen-code item 0))))

You can redefine other mechanisms for a box, for example add and remove inputs are made by functions do-add-one-input and do-remove-one-input, respectively. See the source code for more information. A particular type or boxes are factories, we give an example of sub-classing factories in the next section.

Factory boxes

In the same way as normal boxes, you can create a subclass of OMBoxEditCall (the class of factories) and redefine methods for the new class, for example suppose that we have a OMStandardClass defined by:

  (defclass! 2DPoint ()
    ((x-coor :initform 0 :initarg :x-coor :accessor x-coor)
     (y-coor :initform 0 :initarg :y-coor :accessor y-coor)))

We define also a new class of factory:

  (defclass 2DPointFactory (omboxeditcall) ())

In order to say that the factory class for a 2DPoint is 2DPointFactory and not OMBoxEditCall, we must redefine the method get-type-of-ed-box:

  (defmethod get-type-of-ed-box ((self 2DPoint)) '2DPointFactory)

Now you can redefine OMNG-Box-Value and gen-code for the new class.

Inputs of factories match with each slot in the class, but sometimes it can not be desirable. For example if we want to make 2DPoint instances switching between angular and Cartesian points, we need an inlet with a menu ('cartesian' / 'polar' mode) and an inlet with a list of 2 coordinates.


For this purpose we start redefining the method get-slot-in-out-names:

  (defmethod get-slot-in-out-names ((self 2DPoint))
    (values '("self" "mode" "values")
            '(nil c '(0 0))
            '("object or object list" "polar or cartesien mode" "parameters")
            '(nil (( 1 (("cartesian" c) ("polar" p)))) nil)))

This function return four values:

  • A list of the input names
  • A list with the default values
  • A list with the input docs
  • A list for menu inputs (if nil the input is normal)

Because we have changed the inputs we must change the instance builder, for this redefine also the method cons-new-object:

  (defmethod cons-new-object ((self 2DPoint) args objs)
    (if objs
      ; If the first input is connected call the coerce function objfromobjs
      (objFromObjs (first args) self)
      ; Else make an instance with initargs list args
      (let ((mode (second args))
             x y)
	  ; The menu input is in cartesian mode
         (if (string-equal mode 'c)
             (setf x (first (third args))
                   y (second (third args)))
             ; The menu is in polar mode
             (setf x (* (sin (first (third args))) (second (third args)))
                   y (* (cos (first (third args))) (second (third args)))))
	     ; make the instance
         (apply 'make-one-instance (list self x y)))))

openmusic/dev-resources/evaluation.1296236391.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2011/01/28 18:39 par jean-admin