Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Call for conributions : OM Composer's Book .3

After the success of the first two volumes of The OM Composer's Book, we are happy to launch this call for contribution to The OM Composer's Book .3 in 2015.

Contributions to this volume should consist of 10-20 pages chapters providing the description of a musical work making use of computer-aided composition (OpenMusic in particular!) and highlighting a personal approach to composition using computer tools.

Texts shall be written in English. LaTeX format preferred but MS Word or other text processing software accepted. It is encouraged to illustrate the discourse with high-quality screen captures and score excerpts.

In order to contribute, please send a chapter proposal (1-2 pages max.) to jean [dot] bresson [at] ircam [dot] fr.

There is no strict deadline for proposals but full texts will be expected by june 2015.


openmusic/volume3.1423178756.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2015/02/06 00:25 par Jean Bresson