Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Call for conributions : OM Composer's Book

After the success of the first two volumes of The OM Composer's Book, a new call for contribution is open.

Contributions should consist of 10-20 pages chapters providing the description of a musical work making use of computer-aided composition and OM, highlighting a personal approach to composition using programming and computing.

Texts shall be written in English and illustrated with clean, high-quality screen captures and score excerpts. In order to contribute, please reply to this email and provide a title and a short proposal.

Contributions for the volume 3 are no longer accepted.
However, if you would like to propose a contribution for a (possible) future volume, please send a chapter proposal (1-2 pages max.) to jean [dot] bresson [at] ircam [dot] fr.

There is no strict deadline for submitting proposals but full texts will be expected by june 2015.


openmusic/volume3.1427450218.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2015/03/27 10:56 par Jean Bresson