FSMS Research Survey Course

Instructors: Arshia Cont
Course Meetings: Every Monday 5:30pm @ Ircam

This is the main webpage for the English Research Survey Course for third year students at the Paris National Superior Conservatory of Music (CNSMDP) in the FSMS department.

There are three main objectives for this course with regards to FSMS students:

Each week students receive a reading assignment. Every student is expected to read the assigned paper and accordingly participate in discussions on that topic during classroom.

The course is divided in three time frames:

This class and all its reading/video assignments are in English.


Date Topics Material
29/09/2014 Introduction class N/A
06/10/2014 Artists and Recording Glenn Gould, The Prospects of Recording, High Fidelity. Vol. 16, no. 4 (April 1966) P. 46-63.
03/11/2014 Judging Sound Quality Bartlett & Bartlett, Practical Recording Techniques, Chapter 14, 5th edition, Focal Press, 2009.
10/11/2014 Music Structure and Emotion John Sloboda, Music Structure and Emotional Response: Some Empirical Findings, Journal of Psychology of Music, Vol.19, Pp. 110-120, 1991.
17/11/2014 Technology Trends, Part I Technology Trends in Audio Engineering, AES Technical Council, 2012.
8/12/2014 Technology Trends, Part II Technology Trends in Audio Engineering, AES Technical Council, 2012.
05/01/2015 Audio Engineers Secrets of the Mix Engineer: Andy Wallace, Sound on Sound, July 2014.
12/01/2015 Free Discussions "Je suis Charlie"
19/01/2015 Music Composition (1) Karlheinz Stockhausen, How Time Passes, Die Reihe Musical Journal (Translated), 1959.
26/01/2015 Music Composition (2) Karlheinz Stockhausen, How Time Passes, Die Reihe Musical Journal (Translated), 1959.
09/02/2015 Music Therapy J.J. Pilch, Music and Trance, in "Music and Altered States: Consciousness, Transcendence, Therapy and Addiction", Ed. David Aldridge and Jörg Fachner, 2006.
16/03/2015 John Cage John Cage, Erik Satie, in "Silence: Lectures and Writings", Wesleyan University Press, 1939.
19/03/2015 Student Presentations:
Sarah, Lucas
Jessica Duchen, Why the male domination of classical music might be coming to an end , The Guardian, 28/02/2015.
Ralph Jones, Speech Intelligibility, Meyer Sound (Last consulted March 2015).
23/03/2015 Student Presentations:
Paul, Julien
Hardware in the Software Studio, Sound On Sound, May 2012.
György Ligeti: Of Foreign Lands and Strange Sounds, edited by L. Duchesneau, Wolfgang, Chapter 6 - A kinship in foreseen: Ligeti and African Music, Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2011.
29/03/2015 Live Mix Mixing Linkin Park’s Hunting Party Tour, Waves Magazine, 12/2014.
13/04/2015 Student Presentations:
Alice, Robin
M. Pichlmair and F. Kayali, Levels of Sound: On the principle of interactivity in video games, In Proceedings of the Digital Games Research Association 2007 Conference.
David Huron, Sweet Anticipation, Chapter 10: Expectation in Time. MIT Press, 2006.
11/05/2015 Student Presentations:
Jean, Clément
18/05/2015 Animation Sound Design Ben Burtt Creates the Sounds for Wall-E (part I) (part II)
Star Wars Episode II


Grading is based on class participation, and the quality of the State-of-the-art Presentation by student at the end of the year as perceived by the Jury. Students are also responsible of writing a 2-page summary of their final presentation in correct English and correct academic format.