(Seminar, TU Dresden, 29 Novembre 2012)
After briefly presenting the underlying philosophy of “mathemusical” research which we carry on at IRCAM/Paris (from music to mathematics to computer-aided music theory, analysis and composition), and providing a short list of theoretical problems on which we have been working in the last years (see [1] for a detailed presentation), we focus on two open mathematical problems: Fuglede (or Spectral) Conjecture and the Discrete Phase Retrieval problem.
The first conjecture, originally appeared in [2], states the equivalence between spectral property of a domain of the n-dimensional Euclidean space and its tiling character. The conjecture, which is false for n≥3, is still open for n=1 and n=2. We will discuss the case n=1 by showing its deep relationships with a musical compositional process – the rhythmic tiling canons construction – via a much older geometric and number-theoretical conjecture, i.e. Minkowski’s Conjecture. This conjecture, raised by Minkowski in [3] and solved by Hajós almost forty years later [4], states that every lattice tiling of the n-dimensional Euclidean space by unit hypercubes contains two cubes that meet in an (n-1)-dimensional face. (See [5] and [6] for some recent perspectives on this first mathematical conjecture and its music-theoretical ramifications).
The second mathematical problem deals with the possibility of reconstruct a set by knowing its inter-point distances. It shows the deep connections between the notion of Z-relation in music theory – i.e. the property of two subsets of a cyclic group of having the same interval content, as originally introduced by Hanson in [7] and successively formalized by Forte [8] and Lewin [9] – and the theory of homometric sets in crystallography [10]. We will describe some aspects of phase-retrieval approaches in music by focusing on the particular case of the cyclic groups (beltway problem) and discussing the extended phase retrieval for a generalized musical Z-relation [11]. Some musical examples will finally show the relationships between these two open mathematical problems via OpenMusic, a Visual Progamming Language for computer-aided music theory analysis and composition currently developed by IRCAM Music Representation Team [12].
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CNRS Researcher
Music Representation Team
Ircam - CNRS UMR 9912 (STMS)
1, place I. Stravinsky
F-75004 Paris
tel:+33 (0)1 44781649
e-mail : Moreno.Andreatta[at]ircam.fr
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