Selected List of publications

Computer music and interaction: composed improvisation
Computer music: mathematical models
  • [Pattern06] Georges Bloch, “Muster und Ornament”, Pattern Projekt Austellung, Mannheim (Germany), 2006
  • [OMBook06] Georges Bloch, “Vuza Canons into the museum”, The OM Composer's Book, dir. Carlos Agon, Editions Delatour, Paris, 2006
Computer music: constraints
  • [CPM11] Georges Bloch, Charlotte Truchet, “Constraints for an Unfolding Time”, Constraint Programming in Music, Truchet & Assayag, editors, ISTE, London, Wiley, Hoboken, 2011
  • [ECAI98] Camillo Rueda, Gérard Assayag, Mikael Laurson, Georges Bloch, “Integrating Constraint Programming in Visual Musical Composition Languages”, E.C.A.I. 98 Workshop on Constraints and Artistic Applications, Brighton, 1998
  • [AES93] Jean-Marc Jot, Georges Bloch and al. “Spatialisateur: a perceptual approach”, Proceedings of AES, Berlin, March 1993.
  • [ICMC92] Georges Bloch, Gérard Assayag, Oliver Warusfel, Jean-Pascal Jullien, “Spatialisateur: from room acoustics to virtual acoustics”, International Computer Music Conference ’92, San Jose, California, USA, 1992.
Opera and Dramaturgy
  • [Music@11] Georges Bloch, “La voce, strumento personale per eccellenza”, Music@, 22-23-24, L’aquila, Italy, 2011
  • [Schola06] Georges Bloch, “Peur du code, peur de l’art”, Schola, VIII-2, Rome, Italy, 2006
  • [Avant-scène05] Georges Bloch, “Le retour de l’opéra symphonique”, L’avant-scène opéra: The Tempest, no 222, september 2005

In 1999, beginning of the collaboration for the booklets of the Opéra national du Rhin. Editor in 2003 and 2004. More than thirty interviews of conductors, including Julia Jones on der Fliegende Höllander, Dietfried Bernet on Le Nozze di Figaro, Cosi fan tutte and Arabella, Jane Glover on Theodora, Carlo Rizzi on Falstaff, Günter Neuhold on Parsifal… Many articles, on sonata form for Le Nozze, on Bartok, on the new revised Offenbach scores, etc.

Musical aesthetics and composition
  • [NRE03] Georges Bloch, “Lettre à Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe”, Nouvelle Revue d’esthétique, 43 (2003)
  • [Grame00] Georges Bloch, “Rencontre et collaboration artistique”, seminar La ville, espace de création sonore, Lyon, March 2000.
  • [Schubert98] Georges Bloch, “L’allure côtière du lied ‘Letzte Hoffnung’ de la Winterreise”, Cahiers Franz Schubert, Paris, April 1998.
  • [PUS97] Gérard Assayag, Georges Bloch, Quantification et création musicale, in Les modèles dans l’art, Musique, peinture, cinéma. M. Grabocz Ed. Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 1997.
  • [Quad91] Georges Bloch, “Magique en musique? Biologique”, Quaderni, nº15, autumn 1991.
  • [RE90] Georges Bloch, “Musique et révolution permanente”, Revue d'Esthétique, nº17, April 1990.
  • [Rosen06] Charles Rosen, Un guide abrégé des sonates pour piano de Beethoven (translation of Beethoven Piano Sonatas: a Short Companion), Gallimard, 2006, translated by G. Bloch and A. Chapoutot.
  • [Rosen02] Charles Rosen, La génération romantique (translation of The Romantic Generation), Gallimard, 2002, translated by Georges Bloch in collaboration with Anne Chapoutot.

Process for the simulation of sympathetic resonances on an electronic keyboard instrument, Patent number: 5854438
, Filing date: Apr 8, 1997, 
Issue date: Dec 29, 1998, 
Inventors: Gerard Assayag, Georges Bloch
, Assignee: France Telecom, U.S. Classification
 84625; 84627; 84633 International Classification
 G10H 1057; G10H 146; G10H 700.


bloch/publications/list.txt · Dernière modification: 2013/01/17 15:40 par Julia Blondeau