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efficace:events [2015/09/24 11:15]
Jean Bresson [Interactivity in Music Composition and Performance]
efficace:events [2017/03/28 11:23] (Version actuelle)
Jean Bresson [Conferences]
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 ====== Workshops and Seminars ====== ====== Workshops and Seminars ======
 +=== Spat Workshop @UC Berkeley ===
 +{{:efficace:events:spat-1.png?200 |}}
 +An introduction to the Ircam Spat library, a software suite dedicated to real-time sound spatialization and artificial reverberation. 
 +For composers, computer musicians, sound engineers, sound designers, video artists or scientists with interest in spatial sound.
 +**CNMAT main room**\\ 
 +**1750 Arch Street -- Berkeley, CA**\\
 +May 23-24-25, 2016 -- 2pm-6pm\\
 +=> **[[:bresson:cnmat:spat-workshop-2016|More info]]**
 +=== HCI Meeting Series @UC Berkeley ===
 +{{:efficace:bid-cnmat.png?200 |}}
 +A series of meetings and activities around human-computer interactions in music 
 +at the **[[http://cnmat.berkeley.edu|Centre for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT)]]** and the **[[http://bid.berkeley.edu/|Berkeley Institute of Design (BiD)]]**,
 +University of California, Berkeley in May-June, 2016.
 +=> **[[.:events:workshop-berkeley|Event page]]**
 +=== Première journée de rencontres MusICAL ===
 +**Interaction Calcul Algorithmique Langages appliqués à la Musique**
 +**Amiens,  14 décembre 2015**
 +=> [[http://repmus.ircam.fr/musical/|MusICAL (Réseau National des Systèmes Complexes)]]\\
 +  * Présentation: **Interactions et modèles d'analyse en CAO: Supervision d'un modèle formel pour la manipulation des structures rythmiques**\\ Jean Bresson, Florent Jacquemart, Adrien Ycart.
 === Interactivity in Music Composition and Performance === === Interactivity in Music Composition and Performance ===
-{{ :efficace:events:a832-view.jpg?180|}}+{{:efficace:events:a832-view.jpg?180 |}}
 **<color darkred>EFFICACe international workshop</color>** **<color darkred>EFFICACe international workshop</color>**
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 => **[[.:events:workshop-cirmmt|Workshop page]]** => **[[.:events:workshop-cirmmt|Workshop page]]**
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 **Goldsmiths University, London, 30/06/2014** **Goldsmiths University, London, 30/06/2014**
-/*{{ :efficace:nime14.png?nolink&80|}}*/+{{ :efficace:nime14.png?nolink&80|}}
 The Interactive Music Notation and Representation Workshop co-located with the [[http://www.nime2014.org/|14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression]] gathered artists, researchers and application developers to compare views and the needs in the field of music notation and representation inspired by contemporary practicesin interactive and live music, including representational forms emerging from live coding.  The Interactive Music Notation and Representation Workshop co-located with the [[http://www.nime2014.org/|14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression]] gathered artists, researchers and application developers to compare views and the needs in the field of music notation and representation inspired by contemporary practicesin interactive and live music, including representational forms emerging from live coding. 
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 **Queen Mary University, London, 30/06/2014** **Queen Mary University, London, 30/06/2014**
-/*{{ :efficace:qmul.png?nolink&150|}}*/+{{ :efficace:qmul.png?nolink&150|}}
 Hosted by the [[http://c4dm.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/|Center for Digital Music]] at Queen Mary University, this seminar focused on representations and computational approach for generating, optmizing and processing music notation in computer music systems. Hosted by the [[http://c4dm.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/|Center for Digital Music]] at Queen Mary University, this seminar focused on representations and computational approach for generating, optmizing and processing music notation in computer music systems.
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 +=== IRCAM : Groupe de Recherche Rythme/Temps Musical ===
 +{{ :efficace:gtrtm-logo.png?nolink&200|}}
 +**IRCAM, Paris, 4/11 2014 (16h-18h)**
 +A special session of the IRCAM work group on time and rhythm will be dedicated to presentations of works from the project.
 +A major theme in the project concerns the interactions of computer-aided composition with different kinds of processes with heterogeneous temporalities. Rhythm quatification and the representation of time stuctures linking continuous variations and rhythm are part of the issues addressed in this context.
 +  * **John MacCallum : Polytemporal Composition.** This presentation will be centered on MacCallum's polytemporal work -- compositions in which the musicians play in independent and smoothly-varying tempos - with a focus on the compositional, notational, and performative challenges. [[http://medias.ircam.fr/x00bf1b|[video]]]
 +  * **Florent Jacquemard : Rhythm tree processing for rhythm quantization.** We will present some ideas for rhythm quantization based on models and algorithms for tree-structured data processing. This includes k-best parsing procedures for grid selection in on-the-beat quantization, weighted tree automata for the representation of user’s style, and term rewriting system for the production of rhythm notations. [[http://medias.ircam.fr/x87a827|[video]]]
 +=> [[:rythme:|Groupe de recherche Rythme/Temps Musical]]\\
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 **IRCAM, 6/05/2014**  **IRCAM, 6/05/2014** 
-/*{{ :efficace:lambda.png?nolink&80|}}*/+{{ :efficace:lambda.png?nolink&80|}}
 The power and expressivity of Lisp make it a valuable language to musicians for exploring high-level compositional processes, and this language is a fundamental support for computer-aided composition research and creation. The power and expressivity of Lisp make it a valuable language to musicians for exploring high-level compositional processes, and this language is a fundamental support for computer-aided composition research and creation.
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 === Time, rhythm and arithmetics === === Time, rhythm and arithmetics ===
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 **MaMuX seminar series, IRCAM, 6/12/2013** **MaMuX seminar series, IRCAM, 6/12/2013**
-/*{{ :efficace:time.png?nolink&200|}}*/+{{ :efficace:time.png?nolink&200|}}
 In the framework of the Ircam [[http://repmus.ircam.fr/mamux/|MaMuX]] seminar series we propose this [[http://repmus.ircam.fr/mamux/saisons/saison13-2013-2014/2013-12-06|special session]] dedicated to formal/mathematical theory of time and rhythm in music composition and performance. **Invited speakers**: Philippe Riot, Alain Le Méhauté (Federal University of Kazan, Russia), Jean-Louis Giavitto (IRCAM - CNRS), Karim Haddad (Composer, IRCAM). In the framework of the Ircam [[http://repmus.ircam.fr/mamux/|MaMuX]] seminar series we propose this [[http://repmus.ircam.fr/mamux/saisons/saison13-2013-2014/2013-12-06|special session]] dedicated to formal/mathematical theory of time and rhythm in music composition and performance. **Invited speakers**: Philippe Riot, Alain Le Méhauté (Federal University of Kazan, Russia), Jean-Louis Giavitto (IRCAM - CNRS), Karim Haddad (Composer, IRCAM).
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-=== Days of research seminars and workshops in Oslo, Norway ==== 
-{{ :efficace:nmh-logo.png?nolink&260|}} +=== IRCAM @ BU CNM April 25-29, 2016 ===
-{{:efficace:bevegelseslab-320.jpg?nolink&300 |}}+
-**University of OsloDepartment of Musicology\\ +**Boston University, USA**
-Norwegian Academy of Music\\ +
-24-26/11 2014**+
-The EFFICACe project was presented along with Ircam's last research and developments on spatial audio at the Department of Musicology of the University of Oslo during workshop day arganised at the fourmMs laboratory.+  * 26/04/2016 -- 11:30am:\\ **Computer-Aided Composition using OpenMusic**\\ //OpenMusic is a visual programming environment dedicated to musical data processing and generation, used by a large community of users to carry out varied aspects of their compositional processes. We will present the main features and characteristics of this environment, as well as number applications in contemporary music production.//
-Two dans of courses and workshop on OpenMusic were held under the coordination of profAsbjørn Schaathun at the Norwegian Academy of Music.+  * 27/04/2016 -- 11:00am:\\ **From symbolic music processing to spatial audio – Research directions in computer-aided composition**\\ //Computer-aided composition processes traditionally deal with symbolic musical material, manipulated algorithmically and rendered using classical score representations and parameters (pitches, rhythms, etc.) On the other hand, sound processing and spatialization generally run in real-time interactive environmentsResearch and developments carried out during the past 15 years in computer-aided composition systems have aimed at bridging these different fields. This idea will be illustrated through the presentation of musical research projects carried out in the OpenMusic environment, with a particular focus on recent applications integrating the control of sound spatialization in compositional processes.//
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-=> [[http://www.hf.uio.no/imv/english/research/news-and-events/events/guest-lectures-seminars/2014/ircam.html|webpage (IMV, 11/24)]]\\+=> http://www.bu.edu/cfa/ircam/public-presentations/
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-=== IRCAM : Groupe de Recherche Rythme/Temps Musical === 
-{{ :efficace:gtrtm-logo.png?nolink&200|}} 
-**IRCAM, Paris, 4/11 2014 (16h-18h)**+=== CCRMA Guest Colloquium ===
-A special session of the IRCAM work group on time and rhythm will be dedicated to presentations of works from the project. +**Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University, USA**
-A major theme in the project concerns the interactions of computer-aided composition with different kinds of processes with heterogeneous temporalities. Rhythm quatification and the representation of time stuctures linking continuous variations and rhythm are part of the issues addressed in this context.+
-  * **John MacCallum : Polytemporal Composition.** This presentation will be centered on MacCallum's polytemporal work -- compositions in which the musicians play in independent and smoothly-varying tempos - with a focus on the compositional, notational, and performative challenges. [[http://medias.ircam.fr/x00bf1b|[video]]] +22/02/2016 -- 5:30pm
-  * **Florent Jacquemard : Rhythm tree processing for rhythm quantization.** We will present some ideas for rhythm quantization based on models and algorithms for tree-structured data processing. This includes k-best parsing procedures for grid selection in on-the-beat quantization, weighted tree automata for the representation of user’s style, and term rewriting system for the production of rhythm notations. [[http://medias.ircam.fr/x87a827|[video]]]+
 +  * J. Bresson, P. Donat-Bouillud: **[[https://ccrma.stanford.edu/events/jean-bresson-and-pierre-donat-bouillud-current-research-composition-software-ircam|Current Research on Composition Software at Ircam]]**.\\ //This talk will be a presentation of two major projects carried out in the Music Representation research group at IRCAM: OpenMusic and Antescofo. OpenMusic is a visual programming language dedicated to music creation and processing. It allows composers to develop musical processes taking the best advantage of the computational, representational and expressive power of a programming language, using a graphical patching interface and musical editors. Antescofo~ is a modular polyphonic Score Following system as well as a Synchronous Programming language for real-time computer music composition and live performance. The score following module allows for automatic recognition of music score position and tempo from a realtime audio streams, making it possible to synchronize an instrumental performance with computer realized elements. The synchronous language, in conjunction with its dedicated graphical editor AscoGraph, allows flexible writing of interactions. We will briefly present these two compositional software and discuss their most recent features and current related research.//
 +=== JUCE Summit 2015===
 +**London, 19-20 novembre 2015**
 +/*{{:efficace:juce.png?140 |}}*/
 +  * **Integrating Juce-based GUI in Max/MSP, OpenMusic or other computer music environments.**\\ Thibaut Carpentier
 +=> [[http://www.juce.com/juce-summit-2015/juce-summit-list-talks-and-sessions#carpentier|Résumé]]\\
 +=== Colloque international "Outils et des méthodes innovantes pour l’enseignement de la musique et du traitement du signal" ===
 +**Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, 2-3 Nov. 2015**
 +  * Dimitri Bouche: **De l’esquisse à la composition**
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-=> [[:rythme:|Groupe de recherche Rythme/Temps Musical]]\\+=> [[http://portail.univ-st-etienne.fr/bienvenue/recherche/cierec-colloque-international-des-outils-et-des-methodes-innovantes-pour-l-enseignement-de-la-musique-et-du-traitement-du-signal-571218.kjsp|Programme du Colloque]]\\
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 +=== Days of research seminars and workshops in Oslo, Norway ====
 +{{ :efficace:nmh-logo.png?nolink&260|}}
 +{{:efficace:bevegelseslab-320.jpg?nolink&300 |}}
 +**University of Oslo, Department of Musicology\\
 +Norwegian Academy of Music\\
 +24-26/11 2014**
 +The EFFICACe project was presented along with Ircam's last research and developments on spatial audio at the Department of Musicology of the University of Oslo during a workshop day arganised at the fourmMs laboratory.
 +Two dans of courses and workshop on OpenMusic were held under the coordination of prof. Asbjørn Schaathun at the Norwegian Academy of Music.
 +=> [[http://www.hf.uio.no/imv/english/research/news-and-events/events/guest-lectures-seminars/2014/ircam.html|webpage (IMV, 11/24)]]\\
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-=== Concert: Livre Digital - Fronteiras Musicais: Tecnologias que desafi(n)am os sentidos === 
-**Barão Geraldo, SP, Brasil, 28/08/2014** 
-{{ :efficace:concerto-hamiltonian-brasil.jpg?300|}} 
-{{:efficace:cartaz_concerto.jpg?180 |}} 
-//Encerrando 1o Colóquio Franco-Brasileiro de Análise e Criação Musicais com Suporte Computacional, Livre Digital será uma noite dedicada à exploração de fronteiras musicais: improvisação fora de qualquer padrão, explorando novas sonoridades e processos. Tecnologias que desafi(n)am os sentidos, algoritmos que dialogam com instrumentistas humanos. Cabe ao espectador desvendar quem é quem. Dilatar essas fronteiras, espreitar e vivenciar os seus limites. Abrir seus ouvidos e deixar-se surpreender.//\\ 
-=> Live performance of **Hamiltonian Song (M. Andreatta) with interactive real-time analysis and visualization in OpenMusic**. 
-[[http://www.almanaquecafe.com.br/events/livre-digital-fronteiras-musicais/|Almanaque Café]]\\ 
-Barão Geraldo (SP) Brasil\\ 
-28/08/2014 às 21h  
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-=== OpenMusic @ Linux Audio Conference ===  
-**ZKM -- Karlsruhe, 3/05/2014**  
-/*{{ :efficace:zkm.jpg?nolink&170|}}*/ 
-The Linux version of OpenMusic was developed by Anders Vinjar and the support of the [[http://www.bek.no/|BEK]] center (Bergen, Norway). It embeds parts of the new scheduling and external audio/MIDI rendering systems. The presentation is included in the "Music Programming" session of LAC'2014 to be held at ZKM in Karlsruhe. 
-=> [[http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2014/|Linux Audio Conference - LAC'2014]]\\ 
-ZKM -- Karlsruhe, Germany 1-4 May, 2014 
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 +====== Conferences ======
 +**=> See alo the [[.:publi|publications]] page.**
 +=== 10ème Colloque sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR 2015) ===
 +**Inria Nancy‐Grand Est,  18-20 novembre 2015**
 +  * **Articulation dynamique de structures temporelles pour l’informatique musicale**\\ Dimitri Bouche, Jean Bresson
 +=> [[http://msr2015.loria.fr/|MSR 2015]]\\
 +=== inSonic 2015: Aesthetic concepts of spatial audio in sound, music and sound-art ===
 +{{ :efficace:insonic.png?150|}}
 +27-28 Nov. 2015
 +ZKM - HfG, Karlsruhe Germany
 + **Interactive-Algorithmic Control of Sound Spatialization**\\ Jérémie Garcia, Jean Bresson, Thibaut Carpentier, Marlon Schumacher, Xavier Favory
 +=> [[http://insonic2015.org/|InSonic 2015]]\\
 +=== 27ème Conférence Francophone sur l’interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2015)===
 +{{ :efficace:ihm15.png?200|}}
 +**Toulouse, 27-30 octobre 2015**
 +  * **Trajectoires : une application mobile pour le contrôle et l’écriture de la spatialisation sonore**\\ Xavier Favory, Jérémie Garcia, Jean Bresson
 +=> [[http://ihm2015.afihm.org/programme.html|Programme complet de la conférence IHM 2015]]
 +=== OpenMusic @ Linux Audio Conference === 
 +**ZKM -- Karlsruhe, 3/05/2014** 
 +{{ :efficace:zkm.jpg?nolink&170|}}
 +The Linux version of OpenMusic was developed by Anders Vinjar and the support of the [[http://www.bek.no/|BEK]] center (Bergen, Norway). It embeds parts of the new scheduling and external audio/MIDI rendering systems. The presentation is included in the "Music Programming" session of LAC'2014 to be held at ZKM in Karlsruhe.
 +=> [[http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2014/|Linux Audio Conference - LAC'2014]]\\
 +ZKM -- Karlsruhe, Germany 1-4 May, 2014
 ====== Pedagogical actions ====== ====== Pedagogical actions ======
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 {{ :efficace:pac.jpg?nolink&200 |}} {{ :efficace:pac.jpg?nolink&200 |}}
 +=== CNMAT OpenMusic Workshops (UC Berkeley), 1-15/04/2016 ===
 +J. Bresson. practical introduction to the OpenMusic computer-aided composition environment. 
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 === ATIAM Master program, Ircam UMPC, 2 and 9/12/2014 === === ATIAM Master program, Ircam UMPC, 2 and 9/12/2014 ===
-These two 3h courses in the Masters program ATIAM (Acoustics, Signal Processing and Computer Science applied to music) were practical introductoruy sessiosn to OpenMusic.+These two 3h courses in the Masters program ATIAM (Acoustics, Signal Processing and Computer Science applied to music) were practical introductory sessions to OpenMusic.
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 http://www.atiam.ircam.fr/en/ http://www.atiam.ircam.fr/en/
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 This 12h course was a general introduction to computer-aided composition and OpenMusic. This 12h course was a general introduction to computer-aided composition and OpenMusic.
-It was given diuring IRCAM Manifeste 2014 for the "Summer contemporary music creation + critique" program of the CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange).+It was given during IRCAM Manifeste 2014 for the "Summer contemporary music creation + critique" program of the CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange).
 ;;# ;;#
 http://www.ciee.org/study-abroad/france/paris/summer-contemporary-music-creation-critique/ http://www.ciee.org/study-abroad/france/paris/summer-contemporary-music-creation-critique/

efficace/events.txt · Dernière modification: 2017/03/28 11:23 par Jean Bresson