AK.2 Rythmic synchronisation [report V1 & V2]

WP AK : Anthropology of Human Practices


Marc Chemillier


The main feature of the Djazz improvisation software, which is currently being redesigned by Mikhail Malt with the aim of distributing it freely in 2022, is that it manages a regular pulse underlying the music. How can this be synchronous in situations where the machine is duetting with live musicians either on stage or through the social networks s.a. Tik Tok ?


AK.2 Report Rythmic synchronisation V1


see in report

Related documents

Also related to rhythm synchro is deliverable HA.2 Embodied interaction on creative instruments, technical report on Onset Detection in the input and in the memory of the Somax Improvisation system.

See Deliverable AK.3 Scenario based improvisation from large corpuses describing the new Djazz software

The Djazz web site


merci/ak.2.txt · Dernière modification: 2022/02/05 16:41 par Gérard Assayag