This is the Somax2 team's project page. Somax2 is part of the ERC REACH project
GO TO the IRCAM public Somax2 page
SoMax2 release and documentation
Installing Somax2
- Install from Github : Read instructions and download last release, or
- Install from Ircam Forum Page (you'll need to create a free account)
To learn Somax2 step by step, you'll find right in the Somax2 folder:
- The main Somax application is the patch 'somax2.maxpat', it comes with just one player and one listener (audio and midi).
- The file 'Somax2 User's Guide.pdf' gives a brief overview of somax2 concepts, interaction model and UI.
- The ‘somax2.overview.maxpat’ patch is the starting point to begin exploring interactively the world of Somax2 through a number of tutorials, demos, templates and help center. You can find this patch in the Max Menu "Extras" as well.
- MaxHelp windows are available for any Somax2 object. For UI objects, click on the visible (?) mark, for library objects use the standard Max mechanism for help (option-click in edit mode).
You can quickly jump to a complex use-case with an installation of 4 Players freely interacting one with the other, using corpuses based on emblematic XXth century music ("Improvise with the Masters Tuto" ) :
- to "improvise with the masters", you can get an easy to use tutorial and a large collection of audio and midi corpuses that work together in this repository. These are the corpuses used in most of the demo videos (see below).
Video collections
There's a collection of videos of tutorials, demos, experimentations and performances on Youtube and Vimeo.
- Vimeo tutorials and demos
- Somax2 performances, workshops, studio sessions on the Somax2 Youtube Channel, Joelle Léandre Somax2 Residency, Reach Project Youtube Channnel
- Publications : Computer Music Journal seminal article Cocreative Interaction: Somax2 and the REACH Project, Other Somax2 Publications
- Research reports Somax Fundamental Concepts, Somax2 theoretical model and Somax2 Software Architecture
You can also check the research team Legacy Somax page for early reports on the Somax Model.
Gérard Assayag, Joakim Borg, Marco Fiorini, Mikhail Malt, Georges Bloch, Jose-Miguel Fernandez
Somax2 © Ircam 2020 -
Somax2 is a totally renewed version of the Somax reactive co-improvisation paradigm born in the Music Representations Team at Ircam - STMS.
It is part of the research projects ANR MERCI (Mixed Musical Reality with Creative Instruments) and ERC REACH (Raising Co-creativity in Cyber-Human Musicianship) directed by Gérard Assayag.
Somax2 development by Joakim Borg, documentations and tutorials by Joakim Borg and Marco Fiorini.
Somax created by Gérard Assayag and Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, adaptations and pre-version 2 by Axel Chemla Romeu Santos, early pro- totype by Olivier Delerue.
Thanks to Georges Bloch, Mikhaïl Malt and Marco Fiorini for their continuous expertise.
Thanks to Bernard Borron, Bernard Magnien, Carine Bonnefoy, Joëlle Léandre, Fabrizio Cassol, Marco Fiorini for their musical material used in Somax2 distribution corpus.