- Antescofo's distribution for MaxMSP and PureData contains a help file with comprehensive examples for the score and action language as well as several examples.
- The online documentation is available here as web pages:
- direct access to the User Guide
- direct access to the complete Reference Manual
- and to the description of the Function Library.
- The set of web pages for local use when there is no internet connection, can be downloaded as a zipped file: (it unzips into a directory named AntescofoDocHTML and the file index.html in it can be opened in a brower).
- A PDF version of the above documentation is available but the layout, the handling of figures and the cross referencing is not satisfactory.
- The old documentation in PDF form is still available.
Scientific Vulgarization
(French Only!)
Antescofo: Au plus près de la partition, Science et Avenir, July 2012.
L'ordinateur qui joue comme un musicien, La recherche Magazine, June 2012.
Manifeste 2012 de l'Ircam: Capter le temps réel permet-il d'anticiper, Emission de France Culture, June 2012.
L'ordinateur joue dans l'orchestre, Prix Spécial du Jury, Cahier Spéciale, La recherche Magazine, Novembre 2011.
Arshia Cont, Interaction musicale en temps réel entre musiciens et ordinateur: de l’accompagnement musical automatique vers la programmation synchrone en temps réel. Interstices, August 2011 (French only).
Radio program on Antescofo, Quadrivium Online Radio on Science & Avant-Garde Music. (French only)
Further Readings
Since November 2014, Antescofo comes with a powerful MIDI and MusicXML convertor that allows users to import existing scores from their favourite music score editor. AscoGraph (available for OSX as of Nov 2015) is the prefered editor for Antescofo scores but Language modules for BBEDIT, Sublime and EMACS are available.
NoteAbility Pro
NoteAbility Pro is a graphical score editing tools developed by Keith Hammel. Since early 2008, NoteAbility Pro has an export function specific to Antescofo and can communicate live with Max or Pd versions of Antescofo to synchronize the score location on NoteAbility's score window. Since 2009, it has also integrated the action language in Antescofo. See notes in the distribution of both Antescofo and NoteAbility. Besides graphical score editing, NoteAbility can import/export many common score formats such as MIDI, MusicXML, Guido etc.
NAPro/Antescofo features are currently being enhanced. NAPro is using the *old* Antescofo syntax however as of November 2015!
NEW! Ircam Forum members can obtain NAPro at a special price. Contact the Ircam Forum coordinator.
Language Modules
- BBEdit/TextWrangler language module for Antescofo highlighting and coloring syntaxes while editing.
- Download and unzip in
~/Library/Application Support/[BBEDIT or TextWrangler]/Language Modules/
- Sublime Text Language Module developped by Julia Blondeau
- Download on Forumnet (with instructions)
- Emacs package: syntax highlighting
- Download on github (with instructions)