Native Alien

 Native Alien

The Native Alien Project by Sandeep Bhagwati, Navid Navab and Julian Stein, is a sophisticated comprovisation environment derived from OMax at MatraLab, Concordia University. Native Alien uses an OMax core and surrounds it with a great deal of functionalities for multi-channel sound synthesis.

Several world-class musician including Rohan de Saram, Lori Freedmann, David Rosenboom, have performed in public with Native Alien / OMax.

Check for many native Alien / OMax performances videos at Native Alien / OMax performances

For deeper insight into how Native Alien integrates OMax into a complex comprovisation setup see presentation at COMPROVISATIONS 2012 Improvisation Technologies for the Performing Arts


omax/related.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/03/19 11:53 par Gérard Assayag