STMS, IRCAM - CNRS - Sorbonne Université
Music Representations Team
1, place Igor-Stravinsky, 75004 Paris
directions to come
email: jean-louis·giavitto☞ircam·fr
tel: +33 (0)1 44 78 42 31
- Directeur de recherche au CNRS (senior scientist at CNRS)
- Chercheur dans l'équipe Représentations Musicales de l'UMR Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son (STMS) dépendant du CNRS, de l'IRCAM, de Sorbonne Université et du Ministère de la Culture
- Directeur-ajoint de l'UMR STMS (deputy director of the STMS Research Lab) juin 2017 - septembre 2021 (site dédié à la visite HCERES 2017)
- responsable de l'équipe-projet INRIA MuTant
- Cofondateur (janvier 2006) et ancien directeur du laboratoire IBISC, FRE 3190 du CNRS (jusqu'en décembre 2009), Université d'Evry / GENOPOLE (cofounder and former head of the IBISC lab)
- Ancien (jusqu'à 2015) rédacteur en chef de TSI (Technique et Science Informatique), revue francophone éditée par Lavoisier et Hermes Science.
- Research Topics:
- Domain Specific Language (DSL)
- Unconventional models of computation/programing
- Space and time in programming
- Computer Music (performance, composition, writing of time, real-time musical interactions)
- Spatial Computing
- Synchronous and timed programming languages
- Simulation of complex dynamical systems
- Topological rewriting
- Implementation: evaluation, static analysis and compilation of programming languages
- Research Keywords: programming languages (evaluation, compilation, static analysis), declarative languages; reactive programming; spatial computing; unconventional computing; topological concepts in programming language, algebraic topology and knowledge representation, space and time representations; musical representations, domain specific languages (DSL) for music analysis, composition and performance, tonnetz; biological simulation and computational models for biology, synthetic biology, morphogenesis; computer modeling of complex systems, collection, data fields, topological collection, amalgams, streams, (DS)2: dynamical systems with a dynamical structure; sonification; open score, OpenMusic, Max, computational music analysis, spatial representation of performances, Antescofo.
A brief curriculum
a little bit longer pdf version 2008)
(un CV condensé en français 2014)
un CV et un rapport complet sur mes 5 dernières années d'activité
alternative pictures of me
I obtained in 1986 simultaneously a Engineering Diploma at ENSEEIHT (a french engineering school corresponding to five years after the College, see also this link and this one) and a Master Thesis degrees from the University of Toulouse in computer science.
I first worked as a research engineer and next as a group leader for 5 years at the Alcatel Research Center near Paris (laboratoire de Marcoussis). At this time I have been involved in two european research projects on formal methods and software engineering involving including academic and industrial partners from six european countries.
I left Alcatel in 1990 to obtain a PhD degree from the University of Orsay in Paris in the LRI (laboratoire de recherche en informatique). In 1992, I joined the French National Center for Research (CNRS) as a junior scientist. I worked on parallel programming languages, using the first Connection Machine installed in Europe. I obtained the Habilitation (the teniure) in 1998. In 2000, I take up a new position at the University of Evry, still with the CNRS. My research interests switched to the design of dedicated programming languages for complex modeling and simulation in biology.
I become deputy manager of the LaMI laboratory (the computer science laboratory of the University of Evry) in 2002 and head of the lab in 2004. I become also research director (senior computer scientist) at the CNRS. In 2006, I founded and directed (until 2010) with Etienne Colle a new lab, called IBISC for Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes (Computer Science, System Biology and Complex Systems) by merging the LaMI and the lab of Control and Robotics of Evry. IBISC has now 60 faculty and staff members and 60 PhD students.
In January 2011, I joined the team Représentations Musicales of the IRCAM STMS research laboratory. In this new environment, I want to develop programming language and tools dedicated to musical analysis, musical composition and performance. I participated with Jean Bresson to the design of the new reactive engine of OpenMusic. I have also designed with José Echeveste, a former PhD student, the timed reactive real-time language of the Antescofo system. The language is used for musical pieces mixing part played by humans and electronic responses. Awarded several times (Industry Award 2013, La Recherche Special Prize 2011) the underlying technology has motivated the creation of a start-up. With composer Sasha J. Blondeau (former PhD student) we develop further the languages and devised new topological and diagrammatic representations of musical piece architectures. The work on Antescofo continue with composer José Miguel Fernandez (former PhD student) to handle gesture and movements and to drive sound synthesis in a uniform framwork (the extended centralized score).
My research interests include the design of new programming mechanisms (making space and time explicit in the programming) and their application to new areas. The methods used are based on concepts borrowed from algebraic topology, declarative and functional programming and abstract reduction systems. The application domains are the modeling and the simulation of complex dynamical systems, and especially in music (analysis, composition, performance), developmental processes, cellular processes, amorphous and autonomic systems. The idea of computing a form that develops (without central control) in space-time is central in my motivations.
I am the author of about 15 books chapters and about 50 reviewed international publications with more than 50 co-authors. I am also the editor of 5 books and I was ten years the editor-in-chief of ``Technique et Science Informatique'' (Computer Science and Computer Engineering) the only French scientific journal covering all area in computer science. I am a member of several academic societies: EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science), EAPLS (European Association for Programming Languages and Systems), SIF (Société Informatique de France) and I was a board member of the ASTI (french professional Society of Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication) until 2008. I have acted as an expert for the European Commission, then french ANR and some regional scientific institutes, and I have been a reviewer for the dissertation of more than a dozen of PhD students (inluding in Italy, Canada and Spain). I have also been member of several hiring committee in France, Germany, England and USA.
Scientific associations and journals
- Former editor-in-chief (since 2014) of TSI (Technique et Science Informatique), french scientific journal published by Lavoisier and Hermes Science. Soumettre à la revue Technique et Science Informatiques.
- Scientific comittee of the GDR GPL
- European Association for Programming Languages and Systems: EAPLS
- European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS
- Société savante et professionnelle des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication ASTI (conseil d'administration jusqu'en 2008)