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Mutant is a joint research project between Ircam, INRIA and CNRS since January 2012. MuTant is hosted within the Musical Representation Group at Ircam. The MuTant project lies at the intersection of two important problems in Computer Music:

Realtime Recognition and Extraction of musical data from audio signals. (Machine Listening).
Ongoing projects include Score Following, Realtime Transcription, and Music Information Geometry.

Realtime Synchronous Programming in Computer Music.
Development of a computer language for artists that reacts in live interaction with an outside environment.
The language in Antescofo attempts to create such possibilities.

The coupling of the two themes, often considered as disjoint, is at the heart of music practice (from music composition to performance). The idea is bring such capabilities to computers on both music composition (programming) and music performance (realtime synchronous), as in the image of their human counterparts.

MuTant is home to the award-winning software Antescofo, largely used by artists and music ensembles around the world for real-time musical interaction between computers and musicians on stage and by composers for authorship of mixed scores.


Funded Projects


mutant.txt · Dernière modification: 2013/08/15 12:18 par Arshia Cont