Thomas Coffy

INRIA researcher at IRCAM - Centre Pompidou, Paris, France.

Music Representations team MuTant team


Antescofo ( Score Editor : Ascograph (

* automatic conversion from MusicXML or MIDI files to Antescofo Language.

* automatic scrolling of notes view and editor view with Antescofo Score Follower.

* note selection from editor or interface, in both directions for fast and easy modifications : double click on a line in the text editor to see which note it is in the pianoroll.

* syntax coloring

* OSC automatic communication with Antescofo (transparent score load, save and reload)

* curves object graphical edition (breakpoints edition, interpolation type change, split, etc) saved in the Antescofo score format.

* simulation and graphical display of performance.

* Open Source license.


For details and more screenshot see the Ascograph dedicated page.

Antescofo (

iPad AscoGraph Application

For freeing space on the computer screen running Antescofo, a mobile version of AscoGraph has been ported to iPad.

Send me an email, if you are interested, and I will send you a beta version to try it out!

Audio Engine inside Antescofo

Integration of Faust and Csound audio processing modules into Antescofo reactive langage, as a dynamic realtime scheduling audio engine :

demo made using FaceOSC


mutant/thomas-coffy.txt · Dernière modification: 2014/07/22 17:11 par Thomas Coffy