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Phd student, starting in September 2016, at Ircam (a lab associated with Pierre et Marie Curie University), working on Antescofo and more generally, on systems with languages that express complex temporal relations.

Supervision by Florent Jacquemard and Jean-Louis Giavitto.

My research

In Antescofo, I mainly work on the reactive engine, especially the audio processing part. Antescofo scores are highly dynamic programs, with several temporal rates, physical times in seconds, musical times in beats, which depend on the tempi. Some actions can also be triggered by events resulting on some human behaviours. I try to deal with this dynamicity in several ways:

  • Adaptative scheduling. I currently explore approximate computing
  • Static analysis of the scores, to find some bounds (on the tempo for instance) so that a score is playable or to extract a graphical representation, as a score on a timeline

I am also trying to compile Antescofo scores, where the challenge is also that scores are very dynamic.

I have also worked on rhythm quantization using rewriting rules on rhythm trees.

Audio processing in Antescofo

The audio graph associated to the piece Anthèmes 2 by Pierre Boulez.

Analysis, intermediate presentation

Intermediate representation for the beginning of Anthèmes 2.

This intermediate représentation is inspired by the works of Clément Poncelet, and adds to it tasks, global variables and conditionals.





See also my former page at ENS Rennes.

MuTant Team-project — Inria, Ircam, UPMC, CNRS
c/o Music Representations Team — Ircam
1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris — France


donat-bouillud.1518620103.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2018/02/14 15:55 par Pierre Donat-Bouillud