Jean-Louis Giavitto

Images ©
Jean Tinguely
Niki de Saint Phalle,
details from a
sketch for the
Stravinsky fountain.
Some past and present collaborators (at least something published together):
Martin Fouilleul,
José Miguel Fernandez,
Pierre Donat-Bouillud,
Sasha J. Blondeau,
José Echeveste,
Louis Bigo,
Marnes Hoff,
Thomas Louail,
Antoine Spicher,
Julien Cohen,
Erica Valencia,
Dominique De Vito,
Olivier Michel,
Abderrahmane Mahiout;
Moreno Andreatta,
Patrick Amar,
Jean-Luc Béchennec,
Jean-Pierre Banâtre,
Georgia Barlovatz,
Claude Benoit,
Francesco Bernardini,
Pierre Bernas,
Gille Bernot,
Jean Bresson,
Franck Cappello,
Arshia Cont,
Olivier Danvy,
Franck Delaplace,
Agnès Devarenne,
René Doursat,
Daniel Etiemble,
Julian Fowler,
Pascal Fradet,
Christine Froidevaux,
Cécile Germain,
Marian Gheorghe,
Christophe Godin,
Jeanine Guespin,
Yves Holvoet,
Guillaumle Hutzler,
Florent Jacquemard,
François Képès,
English keywords for indexation:
computer science, programming language,
domain specific languages, DSL,
Otto e Mezzo, MGS, SynBioTIC, AdAGE,
Chlore, MEGA, PTAH, AutoChem, Interlink,
spatial computing, topological collection, topological rewriting, amorphous computing,
OpenMuscic, Antescofo, all interval series, computational musicology, electronic music, spatial representation of musical objects, computational music analysis, spatial representation of performances, tonnetz, orbitfold, score following,
Max MSP, PureData, dataflow,
real time, reactive system, temporized system, synchronous programming, clock,
computer simulation,
integrative simulation, reactive language, dataflow, synchronous
language, stream, data field, data structure, algebraic topology,
combinatorial topology, abstract simplicial complex, chain complex,
chain group, homology, homotopy, analogy, cognitive science,
morphogenesis, knowledge representation, ontology, space and time
representation, diagrammatic reasoning, computational models for
collection, fields, group based fields, lazzy fields,
C++, ML, type, functional language, declarative language,
type inference, nested type, polytypism, catamorphism, sequence, list,
dynamical system, dynamical structure, interpretation, compilation,
partial evaluation, evaluation, fixed point, fixpoint, domain theory,
static analysis, abstract interpretation, denotational semantic,
multiset rewriting, Gamma, CHAM, artificial chemistry,
morphogenesis, morphogenetic engineering, autonomic systems, autopoietic system,
biological interaction networks, Lindenmayer systems, Paun systems,
aqueous computing, membrane computing, biological
computation, computational biology, synthetic biology, simulation of biological processes,