version française - versione italiana - SMIR and ProAppMaMu Projects - Course on maths and popular music - Course on improvisation - Math'n Pop - Tonnetz


CNRS Director of Research at IRMA and member of the CREAA
University of Strasbourg
7 rue René-Descartes / F-67084 Strasbourg
e-mail : andreatta[at]
Review Editor of the JMM and principal investigator of the SMIR and ProAppMaMu Projects
Associate researcher at the Music Representation Team
IRCAM - CNRS UMR 9912 (STMS) - Sorbonne Université
1, place I. Stravinsky / F-75004 Paris
tel:+33 (0)1 44781488
e-mail : Moreno.Andreatta[at]

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My research activity focuses since several years on the relationships between mathematics and music. In particular, I'm interested in the algebraic formalization of musical structures and processes, a subject which was at the center of my PhD in computational musicology (EHESS/IRCAM) and of my HDR in mathematics (at IRMA, university of Strasbourg).

Since 1999 I am coordinating the Maths/Music activities within the Music Representation Team at IRCAM. In particular, I'm organizing since 2001 with Carlos Agon the MaMuX Seminar (Mathematics/Music and their relations with other fields) at IRCAM and since 2005 with François Nicolas and Charles Alunni the mamuphi Seminar (Mathematics, music and philosophy) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.

Since 2006 I am editor (with Jean-Michel Bardez) of the "Musique/Sciences" Series (Ircam/Delatour France). Founding member of the Journal of Mathematics and Music, the official Journal of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music (SMCM), I am also Editor (with Guerino Mazzola) of Springer Computational Music Science.

During the Academic Year (2012-2013), I was invited researcher at the Institute of Algebra of the TU Dresden, in Germany. Within this research period I've been working on the application of Rudolf Wille's Formal Concept Analysis to music. You will find here a short description of the research project and a detailed bibliography. This project has some deep intersections with the research axis on categorical approaches and spatial computing in music analysis.

All these different formal (i.e. algebraic, categorical and topological) tools have recently found their first applications in the study of popular music, a field which enables my maths/music research to interact more deeply with my musical activity, in particular around song writings and improvisation. This research is conducted at the present within a fellowship USIAS (the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Studies), supporting the SMIR projet (Structural Music Information Research), in collaboration with IRMA (Institut de recherche mathématique avancée), GREAM (Groupe de Recherches Expérimentales sur l'Acte Musical), the Académie supérieure de musique de Strasbourg (HEAR) / Conservatory of Strasbourg and IRCAM.

Since January 2018, I'm delivering a cours on mathematical and computational models in popular music for the undergraduate students in musicology and popular music at the University of Strasbourg.

Scientific production:

Research supervision :

Pedagogical and musical activities :

Some recent conferences: [see the webpage of the SMIR Project for more recent conferences]

Less recent conferences:


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In the press